Sunday, April 23, 2006

The LAST Birthday Schpiel, I PROMISE....

This is just a short one about my birthday party. Heee!! I know, I know, honest to God, all anybody's gonna think is that I'm on a perpetual round of self-congratulations over aging as well as a beach party movie! T'ain't true my dears! I'm just lucky enough to have very hedonistic friends who will grab any excuse to drag out a party! Stephanie Nickerson, hostess, cake baker and all around GEEEN-I-US Friend Extraordinnaire pulled out all the stops last night and threw me a basherooonie at her swankily swell new abode and almost all my nearest and dearest appeared! Even my MOM came! And my brother Todd managed to get parolled from suburban Dad duty and got his ass down there all the way from NEWMARKET!! Plus there was Alison and Ina and David and a whole messa folks I don't get to see very often were all there too! I was so touched to see so many of my touchstones all together in one room and best of all, they all looked to have a great time! James and Alison and Ina waxed rhapsodic on Cuba, my Mom adored the house and oohed and aahhhed over every little detail, I ate three slabs of cake (who knew I'd like Lemon Curd?) and everyone just seemed to have a good time, which is all you can really hope for at any party. Thank you to all who came and made my next-to last dying gasp of my thirties so memorable.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great party, Trev. Thanks to Stephanie and Victor for the hosting and all the treats.
Big hello to your Mom who was more marvellous than I dared hope, your cutie-pie brother (I know he's man enough to handle the compliment) and Alison who is evidence that the Goddess DOES in fact incarnate. Or JoeDiMaggio.