Saturday, May 13, 2006

Back At It....

This typewriter is pretty much the way my computer will look by the time I'm finally done this @#$!!&@!!?! play. Its probably pretty much the way I'LL look too. Anyway, I'm back at it. In between loads of laundry, bike fixing and general housekeeping, I am going to try and fix this freaking nightmare for the 42nd time. Wish me luck. No don't. Just give me some chocolate covered almonds. Uggh. The creative life sucks. Oh well, its out into the wilderness I go again. See you in 40 days.

Photo courtesy of


M. Spider said...

I just finished a story. Well, a draft of one. A real, true, honest to goodness draft of one; just a couple of hours ago. I mourn for you, as a mourn for myself. When does the process end?

My editor friends say (and editors are not to be trusted, they're creative minded, not creative themselves) that you need to know when to let something out of your hands, your protection, and let someone else in.

I don't know that I've ever been fully comfortable letting someone else in... but I'm going to do my best; and best of luck to you, darling. I know what talent you have - it can withstand editorial.

Trev said...

Thank you darling for the kind thoughts, heaven knows, I could use them. I wonder who left something then deleted it? Now I'm eternally, maddeningly curious. How bad could it have been? Oh least you put a word in...