Monday, September 11, 2006

DAY THREE - Pictures!!

Queen's Residence, with the lot of us just arriving..... Me in the Queen's Caf my cohorts at work built....

Bruce and I finally got there. Margaritas ensued.

James, Luis and Bill. The Ruby Slipper Throwdown. Don't ask.

Sunset in Kingston


neatfreak said...

Wow! Schmooie! You weren't kiddng about the size of those Margaritas! You have my undying respect, naturally, just for being you, but even more so for packing two of those in and then biking the next day!

Trev said...

But darling, did you read the blog beneath? It fills in all the (hic!) gasps, err...gaps fogged by memory, tequila and the onset of age...
