Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hiding in the Snow (For the Most Part)

I got out bed for THIS!?!?

Well, I am glad I decided to take THIS week off. Among other things, it's afforded me the opportunity (except for myriad trips to the gym) to stay inside and marvel at the miracle of modern heating while the outside world freezes to death. Now I realize I should have taken two weeks off because this weather obviously isn't going to clear up over the weekend, sod it all. I think this is where a lottery win or a trust fund would come in handy. I'd just hibernate away until spring, and/or travel someplace hot, like joining Brian in Puerto Vallarta. He's eating by himself anyway, by the sounds of his blog, and I could be nasty to all of those wingnuts who are hassling him over joining a timeshare. That and I could work on my tan. I know, I know, its like my abs, and triceps and pecs; WHAT tan!??

I haven't worked on my play (bad Trev!) or done all the myriad laundry I meant to (not so bad, I've done a fair bit) but I did go grocery shopping, and bought healthy stuff, so that I don't die at the gym. Now I'm about to embark on a scary concept. My first ever beef stew in my crockpot. I hope the sucker works. The stew I mean, not the crock pot. Well, that too, but I think it does.

I'm off to the gym tomorrow morning to try my new conditioning program. Barely balancing my ass on a giant rubber ball while trying to lift dumbbells over my head among other things. It's because I have no, zilch, nada, niente, pas un peu de coordination to speak of, possums, and my (get this technical talk) "right deltoid" is significantly stronger than my left, (ha! My whole left side is practically atrophied!) and I have to work more on my left to even the balance. In the meantime, my biceps are filing for divorce. Everytime I extend my arms, they scream in pain and agonieeeee, the likes of which haven't been heard since the last season of Canadian Idol.

Anyhoo, Arctic Tundraesque conditions or not, I suppose I should enjoy the rest of this snow-blocked vacation while I can. There's only four days of it left......ack!!!

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