Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day Two and Three So Far....Or Beaches, Beagles and Bennets; the Saga Continues

This may be boring to read, and I do apologise if it is, but I guess I'm just putting it up so I can read it later on. One always forgets things like trips and such, I mean, you know you were there, but you're not altogether certain of what you did, or what you said, and so this is good practice for the future. At any rate, it'll give me practice for making the mundane seem entertaining.

Up around nine this morning, went and picked oranges while Mamacita took pictures (just to prove I'd done it!) and then I hung around and I gabbed with Mom while she prepped this veal potroast she was making for supper, and then Mom and Wayne took Tia (the diva-esque dog) for a walk, and I got cleaned up, finished my coffee, cake and FRESHLY SQUEEZED O.J., did a laundry and relaxed on the lanai. (Will's favourite word...)

Then Ma and I went out to this Flea Market out in Bradenton that has EVERYTHING and some of the WORST home made art I've ever seen. I kept wishing Huctwith was there to take it in, but then again, corneal damage being what it is, he might never have forgiven me, considering that he really DOES need his eyes to paint. The place was marvellously tacky and cheap, but fun. The highlight was seeing this elderly senior walk by this T-shirt of Dubya with her husband, and sneer, "A t-shirt of THAT idiot, Vernon, can you believe it? He should be up on warcrimes, NOT on a frigging t-shirt!" I whirled around to shake her hand, but they were gone.

On our way out, I finally saw my first rutabaga. And no, oddly enough, it WASN'T the ex-President.

Our next stop was a supermarket named SweetBay, and it was very, very strange to be in a supermarket with booze and a wine section. Everyone, from the cashiers to the bagboys are very neat, almost 1950's like in their professionalism. It was a little unnerving, as it had almost a Stepford Wife feel to it.

It was chilly out, grey, but after a week of minus -17 degrees Celsius back home, I wouldn't dare complain. Had a wonderful roast for supper, ate at least 37 chocolate Ferrero Rochers with a bottle of Pinot Grigio for dessert, watched Young Victoria (with Emily Blunt, very good) watched half a documentary on the Doors, but it kept the 'rents up, so I turned it off and got back to Miss Bennet and Mr Darcy. (I almost said P&P, but that would have given some of my more DELICATE readers the fantods at wondering what sort of vacation I was up to, especially so soon after supper!) My GOD, but this book is so good! I can't put it down. I was up past THREE reading it.....

Day Three

Up early this morning, which was surprising as I only slept about four and a half hours, but I napped yesterday afternoon (Did I forget to mention that previously? Forgive me, I know you must be SIMPLY DEVASTATED at the omission. Humblest apologies.) so that seemed to do me for my allotted eight hours. I'm lucky that way, as long as I get my eight hours of sleep, in whatever way, shape or form, I seem to be fine. Yes, I'm talking about the blessings and vicissitudes of sleep. It's come to that. Dear God.

At any rate, I got up, made myself an awesome breakfast, (as Maman said, "You get waited on the first day, after that, you're on your own.") took the dog for a walk, or rather, she took ME for a walk, she knows her route cold, where we met and were accosted by a very friendly Beagle/Jack Russell terrier mix, whose name I didn't catch, he was too busy drooling. Tia didn't think much of him, he charged, Mom picked T up, and I just knelt down and laughed at our new little friend, and he forgot about her, and crawled all over me and licked my face like mad. I adore Tia, but she's a bit of a snob, and basically despises all her own kind. She thinks even less of cats. Ah well, some people really ARE meant to be only children, you know. The walk was lovely. The subdivision around here is really lovely with gorgeous homes, AND, they're all dirt cheap. Well, whatever the $200 grand mark is worth these days. Never having been able (or inclined) to count that high, I wouldn't know, myself.

Took a drive into Bradenton, and wandered up and down the beach. It was chilly, but beautiful. Saw all sorts of wild and wacky homes in shocking shades of bright pink, yellow and marine blue on the gulf on Anna Maria Island, which is just west of here. Then home for tea in the garden, and after looking nervously for snakes (a neighbour found a Bull Rattlesnake sunning himself in her lanai the other week, can you imagine, the cheeky bevenomed sneak,...err snake.) I sat down to see just WHAT Miss Bennet was going to do about Mr. Darcy. She's warming up to him at last, I see....but frankly, I think she's more difficile than he is, and far quicker to judge harshly. But considering what an idiot family she's born into (with the exception of her sister Jane) I suppose she's lucky with just being a cynic. It could have been far worse.

Am sipping my tea as I write this, and expect to read some more after this. Will keep you posted as to how it all turns out. Sister Lydia (Ms.B's youngest sister) just ran off with a bounder, about which Elizabeth is understandably perturbed, but personally, I think a dose of underage marriage will do the little brat a power of good and grow her up some. Nevertheless, it just goes to show you, you can't trust a man in uniform with a flighty girl of sixteen. Frankly, I'm not altogether sure you can trust ANY man in uniform, but since none of them have tried to elope with ME lately, I of course, cannot be a verifiable source on this subject.

Tune in tomorrow.....

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