Monday, April 17, 2006

Cycle Mania(cs!)

Photos by James Huctwith, Esq.

So there we is, James Anok and I, (James is the fabulous looking cycle-y one in black with the snazzy red bike) just after our 39 km ride out to Mississauga and her native woodnotes wild. The expression on my face was probably still one of shock ("MY GAWD but that moon is BRIGHT!!") when our dear genius artiste du monde friend, James Huctwith, very kindly interrupted his sleep and his painting schedule to come down and take pictures of us in the park. All so we could post them on our blogs for the PWA Bike Rally that we're both on. (You don't think I'd be crazy enough to be up at 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday cycling for MY health, do you?!?) Yes, its true, yours truly is going to be biking from Toronto to Montreal at the end of July, on the twin provisos that I have raised $2000 in pledges by then (I'm coming for you dahlings!) and don't die in the bike training rides before then. So far so good.

Both the Jameses were looking fab that day I must say (James A. may have the best legs EVER since Cyd Charisse unveiled hers in THE BANDWAGON, but I digress) and I, well, as you can see, I WAS trying. I was wearing proper biking togs underneath my camouflage, because, well, I am TRYING to get into shape, and the universe as we know it isn't really ready for the sight of me in bike shorts. Give me three months of steady exercise and then we'll talk. Nevertheless, I shall have my Bike Rally Blog up and ready soon, and shall be sending it forthwith, with all sorts of details, and I'll be adding tidbits to this weekly to record as a sort of psychotic journal all of my bicycling adventures.....


JamesA said...

Trev! I'm blushing! The comparison with Cyd Charisse leaves me breathless!

I think it's AWESOME that you're undertaking the ride to Montreal. It's a huge personal committment that not many people would attempt.


rumour said...

if you carried a chainsaw u would be a cycle maniac for real. then i would have a road buddy.

Scott said...

The dour expression on your face in that first photo is a complete scream. I love it!

Bravo to you for doing this trip -- it's a fantastic effort and you'll (eventually) be ever-grateful you struggled for it.

M. Spider said...

You have a b-... a B....!

Any you've been in training?

What do you know? There's more than one kind of new trick you can surprise people with, sweetie.

Best of luck; and good job.