Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Mirror Mirror

This would be my goddaughter, Tiegan Nicholls, drooly-monster, crawly-bug and chatterbox extraordinnaire. She's in Holland with her folks, so we don't chat often. We did on Sunday however, and she had a great deal to say, and if I'd had an ounce more sense, I probably would have grasped it.

Here, she's admiring her visage in front of the stove. Handy for checking out the do', when you're crawling about on all fours. According to her parentals, Jen and Rohan, she's hyper-feisty and incredibly active and alert. Thank heavens. When I'm ninety and this kid's pushing my wheelchair during visits to the home, I don't want her falling asleep at the wheel!

Hopefully it won't be long before she's saying more than outraged shrieks and giggles, although admittedly these do work wonders for getting the point across. At any rate, we'll be getting updates regularly to see how the wee moppet is doing.....

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