Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I must admit, I've taken a shine to this blog thingie. I especially like Scotty's, because its quite vast with all sorts of doodads that mine lacks. He has a friends board, with comments about people and books he likes, and writers, etc. I'd like to put that on mine, but fear it may be a tad small in scope (the blog settings, not my ambition) to handle it all. It seems the best I can do is keep adding posts and hope people enjoy them. I don't think any of them are very good as yet. I haven't written anything like narrative in a long while, and it still feels rusty.

But I do like the fact that so many other people are doing it too. Its almost like a visual aid into the inner workings of your friends' minds. Of course, with mine, I sometimes feel that there should be a WARNING: DEMOLITION AHEAD detour sign waiting for the unwary. But no fatalities as yet, they all seem to have escaped unscathed. I think everybody should do this.....

1 comment:

neatfreak said...


You write brilliantly! I have always believed that the fact that you're not already a published author indicates just how messed up these times are. You are an enormously talented writer. AND you inspire others! There ain't no rust on you, baby!