Saturday, May 06, 2006

Cycle Mania(c) Part Deux

Picture courtesy of William Castle & Hammer Films

Neck hurts. Should be lying down, stretching it out and I will in a minute. But then I have to shower and get ready for Ina and David's wedding. I'm hungry.

But I DID IT!! Fifty kilometers this morning. I thought I was gonna die. But then I always think I'm gonna die. That and I'll get lost. (Only one wrong turn this time, but other people made it too, and we went half a block before we realized we were off course...)

Of course, the high point (pardon the pun) was taking that left turn to go down this STEEEEEP hill and having my rear brake break off (ha ha) in my left hand. I thought, "Uh oh. Not good. Accelerating down a hill with no way to stop except a sudden intercession from gravity which probably won't be much fun if indeed it intercedes at all." So I tucked in, lowered my head, crouched down, and sped downward.

Fortunately no sudden Mac trucks loomed out of nowhere, nor did any potholes spring up, unannounced, and I got halfway up the opposite hill before it dawned on me that I had to start peddling again. Bummer. I was out by the Zoo and you'd be surprised how pretty and rural parts of Scarborough can be. Brooks and rivers and streams and fields and bridges and HILLS. My new bete noir of my existence. I'm getting better on them though. I don't know if its just because my legs are getting stronger (they're in perpetual pain half the time, so does that mean they're improving? Is getting in shape an indicator of constant discomfort? Or vice versa?) or because I'm numbing myself to the exhaustion? I keep biking to work, which I secretly thrill to when I first get out on the road as I like the speed. I feel like quite the sprightly monkey, all of six years old again, zipping around on my bike.

AND I'm a quarter of the way there in my fundraising! And I haven't even hit up the office yet! That's tomorrow. I'm making signs and posters to put up in the three kitchens so people can see what I'm up to.....hopefully it makes an impression and I rake in lots of cashola....

At any rate, I'm off to wash my hair. My bandana has flattened it out and when I brushed it out, I looked like Joan Crawford in Straight Jacket. See above. See? It ain't flattering.....

1 comment:

neatfreak said...

I can't tell you how impressed I am, Trev. My current 'exercise regime' extends only to chasing my wee monster about the playground....