Friday, May 12, 2006

Soup Day....

Senior Staff Enjoying a Noonday Repast...

Soup day! My God, what an ordeal! Thank heavens Sonja was there, or I'd have lost my mind. Its something we do at the office, we have this big soup urn, and everyday somebody volunteers to make the soup. Since they're architects and snobs to boot (hee!) naturally, the soups are out of this world. None of this Mr.Noodle or Campbell's out of a can for this lot! So yesterday Sonja, (our IT wunderkind and soup genius) and I went out at lunch to go ingredients shopping. We came back with a bag of sweet potatoes, shadow benny (like cilantro, and I spelled it wrong, but I like it that way) garlic sprouts, fresh basil, butter, milk, cream and fresh dill. We threw it all in, and at quarter to twelve, I pureed it all. It was a little thin, but it was good soup and everyone liked it. It almost makes me wish I had a soup urn.....

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