Saturday, November 04, 2006

Doogie's GAY?!? Who Knew?

I imagine somebody did. I certainly didn't, although now that I think about it, that Will and Grace episode where he played a member of an ex-Gay group trying to make Jack straight did have a rather ironic quality to it. Oh well, good for him. Chad Allen, Robert Gant, T.R.Knight, and of course Nathan Lane, Stephen Fry, Simon Callow, Harvey Fierstein, Rupert Everett, and Sir Ian McKellen are just some of the brave souls out there, proving that who they are in their private lives doesn't affect the integrity of their work. And now Doogie's joined them. Bravo! Or is that Brava?!? Hee! Now if only a few more big time A-list actors would kick open that closet door, then we'd REALLY see some progress...

Picture courtesy of Wikimedia


CateC said...

Um? Is that DOOGIE? Or am I a Big Dope?

Trev said...

Yupper. That's the Doogster. I believe he was MC there, in CABARET. That would make the pickshaw make sense. Unless of course, it was his Sunday-Go-to-Church clothes.